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James Tremain

Lead Breathwork Coach

Team Member

Primary Role

Lead Breathwork Coach

About James Tremain

James Tremain's transformative journey from bar manager to revered breathwork coach embodies resilience and self-discovery.

At 20, he left his job in the UK for a global quest that led him through varied careers and personal challenges, including stress, anxiety, and health issues. Overcoming these through a profound mental, physical, and spiritual transformation, James lost 30KG and mastered ancient Eastern and modern Western wellness techniques.

Now a breathwork coach at PrescribeLife, he leverages this wisdom to help founders achieve optimal health, mental resilience, and creativity. His methods promise not just physical transformation but a holistic uplift in living a purpose-driven life, enhancing energy levels, and fostering stronger relationships.

James is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs with the tools to thrive in business and personal life, making him a pivotal figure in the PrescribeLife team.


Combining top-tier expertise with next-gen technology, we equip founders with personalised health solutions, enabling peak performance and success.

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